Taget från http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic ... 35&t=61315

Minecraft is currently experiencing a stimulation provided by us.

It's purpose is to send Notch a clear message of how the future of minecraft will turn out unless he gets to work, namely by influencing the amount of sales taking place, due to the attacks.

Start providing your customers with the updates that you promise them.

We have roughly 83,000 bots available, and preserved for this seizure, we could if we wanted to keep this going for weeks, however we have decided to give it a week, and see whether or not your attitude, and commitment will change, we believe it will when money stops rolling in for the time being...

anyhow, no we're not from roblox, or any other minecraft clone, not to mention none of us have been around 4chan for years, and nor has any real 4channers for that matter, its all newfags now, and has been for quite a few years.

Good luck with the sales mr.notch, lol.
Copa sa:
Taget från http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic ... 35&t=61315

Minecraft is currently experiencing a stimulation provided by us.

It's purpose is to send Notch a clear message of how the future of minecraft will turn out unless he gets to work, namely by influencing the amount of sales taking place, due to the attacks.

Start providing your customers with the updates that you promise them.

We have roughly 83,000 bots available, and preserved for this seizure, we could if we wanted to keep this going for weeks, however we have decided to give it a week, and see whether or not your attitude, and commitment will change, we believe it will when money stops rolling in for the time being...

anyhow, no we're not from roblox, or any other minecraft clone, not to mention none of us have been around 4chan for years, and nor has any real 4channers for that matter, its all newfags now, and has been for quite a few years.

Good luck with the sales mr.notch, lol.

Jävligt moget beteende. Barnungar!
Håller med.. men borde gå och fixa så man inte behöver servern för och spela.. eller har jag helt fel?

synd att alla ska bli lidande för att det finns idioter som förstör för andra
Suck... Så det var en koncentrerad grupp bakom det hela?
Jag skulle vela skriva en komplett kommentar bestående utav svordomar men jag vill ju inte göra Granis eller någon arg men hursomhelst;
Fasen vilka dåliga människor man kan stöta på... [Jag skippade ju svordomar!]

Samtidigt är det lite lustigt att de verkligen tror att Notch kommer uppdatera spelet oftare med detta hot och då säger jag då att de väntar sig lite VÄL mycket utav en indie utvecklare, samtidigt som de försegar utveklingen :/
Problem igen då. Jag loggade in tidigt imorse och har hafr det på sen dess utan problem.
Därför jag är helt ensam då.